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3 Tools to Building Resilience after a Difficult Season in Life

In raising awareness about mental health, I thought we should also share supportive tools. Here are three tips to build resilience. 1) Maintain Positive Relationships – Connecting with compassionate and understanding people, is helpful to keep you encouraged and supported in the midst of difficulties. Stick with trustworthy and empathetic people who validate your feelings which will support your growth in resilience. 2) Self-Care is Key – Take good care of yourself. Stress is both physical and emotional. Proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise helps you face whatever you are dealing with at your best. 3) The Power of Purpose – Building others helps build you. The fulfillment of helping someone else can be a great boost of resiliency. Focus on your healing and what’s next as best as you can. Aim to keep your eyes forward in hope and expectation of better days. . #Rebuild #Restored #TraumaHealing #Overcomer #BestDaysAhead #YouWillRise #BetterDays #Recovery #RoadToHealing #RecoveryRoad #DailyGrowth #WholeWoman #GetUp10 #TheWhitesideGroup #Walkinyourpurpose #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocate #visioncatalyst #mentalhealthmonth #KnowYourPurpose #RebuildingLife #RebuildingLifeafterTrauma #WomenEmpowerment #positiverelationships



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